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The Research Plan

The research plan achieves the mission of Benha University by providing a society of international recognized scientists that obligated by discovering, transferring the knowledge and serving the society throughout the leadership in the area of research and innovation. The research plan is connected with the strategy of the state and obligated by values and principals established in the academic institutes and the community. The main aim of the research plan of the University represents in supporting the efforts of social and economic development and resolving the national problems. The research plan has been formulated according to the state directions in this area with a priority given to the following elements:-

  1. New and renewable energy fields.
  2. Resources, management and desalination of water.
  3. Medical science of kidney disease, liver and tumors.
  4. Science of biotechnology and Nanotechnology.
  5. Science of Agriculture and food resources.
  6. Technology of information, communication and remote sensing.

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