Publications of Faculty of Medicine:EFFETtsoFgaroximAy QmRIRIE algiOrlitEceimaudfil 01 Rig: Abstract

EFFETtsoFgaroximAy QmRIRIE algiOrlitEceimaudfil 01 Rig
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Chemical contaminations of the environment by heavy metals are commonly very dangerous. Among those metals, lead is ranked uppermost in terms of toxicity. Lead particularly represents a toxin, which affects the developing nervous system with neurobehavioral deficits. In the present study, the prenatal and postnatal effects of lead toxicity on the Purkinje cell of rat cerebellum were investigated Thus, the study attempted to simulate the effects of lead on the human fetuses and adults. Eighty albino rats were used in the present study. Thirty pregnant female rats (10 control & 20 exposed to lead) were used for prenatal study and fifty rats (10 control & 40 exposed to lead) of both sexes were used for postnatal study. Lead acetate was given orally to the pregnant female rats at a daily dose of 1.5 mg/kg from the eh day of pregnancy till parturition. In the postnatal group, lead acetate was given daily orally at low dose (10Oug/gm) and high dose (400ug/gm) for ten days and for sixty days. In the prenatal group, the cerebellum of twenty days rat fetuses exposed to lead showed some degenerated neuroblasts with pyknotic darkly stained nuclei. Some neuroblasts were swollen with clumped nuclear chromatin. The nerve fibers showed vacuoles. Edema of astrocytes processes was noticed Some neuroblasts showed electron dense inclusion bodies. The results in the postnatal group revealed that the Purkinje cells in the rats exposed to lead showed signs of degeneration as shrunken cells with distorted shapes (pyknotic), ill defined nuclei and vacuolation. Electron microscopic study showed loss of cytoplasmic differentiation, swollen degenerated mitochondria with irregular and disrupted nuclear membrane. The blood capillaries became dilated with endothelial hypertrophy. Edema; gliosis and electron dense particles were found The effects of lead exposure on the Purkinje cells of rat cerebellum increased with higher doses and with long exposure. So, factors minimizing lead exposure should be considered .The history of exposure to lead toxicity and the blood