Publications of Faculty of Medicine:The role of MRI in assessment of the post-operative knee: Abstract

The role of MRI in assessment of the post-operative knee
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PurposetTo assess the role of MRI in evaluation of the post-operative knee joint and assessment of the post complications alter ACL, meniscal and cartilage surgical repair procedures Patients and methods:A prospective study recruited 50 patients, their ages ranged between 18 and 45 years alter repair of ACL, menisci and cartilage. All patients were referred from the orthopedic department between January 2014 and June 2015 with symptoms and signs suspicious ofcomplications. The patients were divided into three groups, group I alter ACL repair included 26 patients, group II alter meniscal repair and included 16patients, group III alter cartilage repair and included 8patients. MRI knee was perfermed for all patients alter meeting inclusion criteria. Resulls:(A) In group I Graft impingement was the most ftequentiyericountered complication representing 6/26 (23%). Partial tear was encountered In 3/24 (11.5%). Complete tear was seen in two patients for each (7.69%), One patient had intact graft with bright signal (3.85%). One patient had cystic degeneration with ganglion cyst (3.85%). The remaining 13/26 (50 %) patients had negative MRI with mtact gratt. (B) In group II Retorn meniscus was the most frequently encountered complication representing 5/16 (31.25%). Effusion was . encountered in 3/16 (18.75 %). One patient had osteonecrosis (6.25%). The remaimng 7/16(43.75 %) patients had negative MRI with intact meniscus. (C) In group III Delamination was the most frequently encountered complication representing 28 (25%). Intra-articular adhesions was encountered in 1/16 (12.5%). Also One patient had hypertrophbic synovitis (12.5%). The remaining 4/8 (50 %) patients had negative MRI with intact repaired cartilage. CbnclusiomMRI proved as an accurate method fer evaluation of the knee joint after ACL, meniscus and cartilage repair that canhelp predict post-operative complications.