Publications of Faculty of Medicine:MRI Findings of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Cirrhotic and Non Cirrhotic Liver: Abstract

MRI Findings of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Cirrhotic and Non Cirrhotic Liver
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Our purpose is to compare the magnetic resonance (MR) imaging findings of primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in cirrhotic and noncitrhotic livers MR images in 36 patients with HCC (26 men and 10 women aged 42-80 years [mean age, 65 years]) were exam ined by MRI. The number and size of hepatic lesions were assessed. Lesion margins were categorized as well circum scribed or ill defined. The presence of a capsule, intratumoral high signal intensity on T 1-weighted MR images, and a stellate scar were determined. Eleven (3156) patients had MR imaging evidence of cirrhosis, and 25 (69%) did not. Lesions in cirrhotic livers differed significantly from those in noncirrhotic livers in terms of size (5-6cm vs. 10-1 lcm), frequency of a solitary lesion (36% vs. 64%) and frequency of a central scar (6% vs. 50%). There was no difference between the cirrhotic and noncirrhotic livers with regard to tumor margin, intratumoral high signal intensity on T 1-weighted images, or tu mor capsule. Differences exist in the MR imaging appearance of HCC between patients with and those without cirrhosis, although there is overlap of imaging findings.