Publications of Faculty of Medicine:Single Dose Application of Mitomycin C for Prevention of Pterygium Recurrence Clinical comparative study: Abstract

Single Dose Application of Mitomycin C for Prevention of Pterygium Recurrence Clinical comparative study
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One hundred thirty four eyes of one hundred twenty patients were operated for pterygium using bare scleral technique. In sixty eight eyes adjunctive use of single intraoperative application of mitomycin C 0.02% for five minutes was performed. In forty six eyes adjunctive postoperative mitomycin C 0.02% was instilled on eye twice daily for five days. In twenty eyes surgery was performed followed by instillation of normal saline "placebo" twice daily for five days. Follow-up period ranged between 7.2 months up to 15.5 months "mean 12.1 months". The recurrence rate was significantly high in the third group "45% and nearly similar in the first and second groups: "5.9 and 6.5% respectively". However the rate of complications was higher in the second group.