Publications of Faculty of Medicine:FRONTAL SINUS OBLITRATION WITH BIOGLASS: Abstract

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Many alloplastic materials have been used in clinical frontal sinus obliteration. It has been difficult to find reliable obliteration material without short- or long term complications. Most common problem in frontal sinus obliteration is the resorption of occlusion material_ This study was made to evaluate the efficacy of Bioglass as an alternative to autologous fat in the obliteration of the frontal sinus. Standard surgical techniques were used to obliterate the _frontal sinus. Eight patients underwent Bioglass frontal sinus obliteration. There were 2 women and 6 men in the series with age ranges from 30 to 55 (mean, &tears). Two patients underwent obliteration for chronic infections with rnucopyocele. Follow-up radiographs were obtained ata 6 and 12 months after obliteration of the sinus with Bioglass. No patient has developed clinical or radiographic evidence of recurrent frontal sinusitis. No implant has been rejected. Seven patients reported complete resolution of all symptoms. Bioglass had demonstrated efficacy in obliteration offrorttal sinus. The material has the advantage that it takes well, no reaction or rejection and it is also of reasonable expense. The obstruction of the frontonasal duct by this material was ensured. Bioglass offers the advantages of no donor site morbidity and the potentialfor complete osseoirttegration.