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Prof. Ahmed Gouda Mohamed Elgazzar :: Supervised PhD:

Title In progress/Completed
Oxygen free radicals and bronchial hyperreactivity in bronchial asthma. Study of the effect of antioxidants . Completed
Molecular genetics of drug resistance of mycobacterium tuberculosis Completed
Role of intercellular adhesion molecules in pulmonary tuberculosis Completed
Ventilatory functions and blood glucose response to muscular exercise in non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with autonomic neuropathy . Completed
Interleukin 13 status in children with bronchial asthma . Completed
Role of mycobacterial growth indicatortube ( MGIT ) in the diagnosis and assessment of drug sensitivity of pulmonary tuberculosis . Completed
Cardio-pulmonary exercise tests in systemic lupus erythematosis Completed
The relation between gastro-esophageal reflux disease and bronchial asthma : prevalence and treatment Completed
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