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Prof. Ahmed wagdy mohamed famy :: Publications:

Effect of long acting prostagen-only injectable contraceptives on carbohydrate metabolism and its hormonal profile.
Authors: A.W.Afify, M.Sharawy, M.Abd elrazik, K. Fahmy
Year: 1991
Keywords: contraception, injectable, carbohydrate
Journal: Contraception
Volume: 44
Issue: 4
Pages: 419-430
Publisher: WHO
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

Overpopulation and poverty are serious problems facing development in developing countries. Birth control is the main factor to solve this problem. Various methods of birth control were tried and evaluated for that goal. An acceptable method of contraception should be effective,safe, available and cheap. Hormonal contraceptives are important method as effective,easy and relatively cheap. However the safety of that method is debatale. The present study evaluate the safety of injectable progestin only injectable contraceptives as regard metabolic effect. Carohydrate metabolism were the target of the study. Glucose tolerance test and radio-immune assay of blood hormones controlling blood sugar were evaluated three monthly for one year in injectale contraceptive users.The hormones included insulin, glucagon, growth hormon and corticosteroids. The study showed that long term use of that method was safe and acceptable effective method. The carbohydrate changes were minimal and acceptable.

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