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Dr. Ahmed Nabil Omer Ramadan :: Publications:

(العلاقة بين الاعلام المرئى وبعض الاتحادات الرياضية الفردية بجمهورية مصر العربية (دراسة تحليلية
Authors: dr.ahmed nabil omar
Year: 2015
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed Nabil Omer Ramadan _1.doc
Supplementary materials Not Available

That the impact of what he and the media in the sports field to the public needs to be a long experience so that its effects show through a cumulative process extended in time based on changing attitudes and beliefs sports convictions and not on a direct change to the behavior of individuals and the rights for a long time even need his thinking pattern and style of his life and the way to change his dealings with objects in the surrounding environment, and the continuation of view on what he and the sports media ideas and sports values differ and his lifestyle, which are used to it leads him to adopt some of those ideas or values of sport and the change in his lifestyle inspired by what offers him a degree varies from one individual to another by his combination psychological and environmental in which they live, as well as the media outlet that is exposed and the content and objectives and policy of each type and condition. According to this method, the continued exposure of individual media article by sports media leads to the formation of individual attitudes toward the practice of sports and sports knowledge in the long term. (16: 62.63) And based on the important role played by visual media in the formation of character individuals in socializing him as the behavior carried out by the individual entail certain decisions in different topics, so I'm interested in psychology in studying human behavior scientific study is primarily responsible for detecting the evolution of human behavior as he earns the individual habits, attitudes and values of educational suit different situations experienced by. Despite all this media policies visual Egypt in the field of sports still do not serve only the sport of football, which affects the formation of individuals and society trends beds, seemingly oblivious to the rest of the sports, whether individual or collective, as if visual media did not invent but to spread cultural awareness sports football, which negatively affected the rest of the sports and affected deployment base for the rest of the practice of sports is sports and sports practitioners Say disappeared from practitioners As the Nile Sports is the only sports-governmental channel, which is supposed to play an important role in spreading cultural awareness of sports for all individual and team sports to broaden the base of sports participation and attract the masses about exercise to achieve the lofty goals of the state, despite all of this may seem a lack of interest in the Nile channel for sport only the sport of football only, which was imposed on the researcher and the research that is exposed to this problem - The importance of the study and the need to - Scientific importance of the study: This study could help in directing some researchers to further research in aspects that are not addressed by this study. - Applied Popularity: This study contributes to the knowledge of the problems of non-visual media interest in the activities of the individual tournaments and sports federations in order to promote sports activities in general and the advancement of individual sports in particular. - The objective of the study: This study aims to identify the relationship between the Egyptian visual media and some individual sports federations and not visible by the media attention compared to some team sports represented in the football problems. Through the following: - Assessment of the current situation that is Accordingly Radio collective and individual activities Nile Sports Channel as a government satellite channel. - Research questions: - What are the percentages Show Nile channel for sport and what are the reasons for the reluctance? - What is the most watched channel on the Nile for sport programs? - What are the causes Show Nile Channel for Sport? - What is the ratio of the wishes of the individual viewers to watch sports on Nile TV sports? - What is allocated by the Nile Sports Channel for some individual sports time versus one team sports represented in the sport of football? - Research procedures: Research Methodology: The researcher used the descriptive approach, "the study survey" as it suits the nature of this study. Society and the research sample: Research community Find community included in this study a representative sample of viewers in the Nile Sports Channel from the audience and technicians who specialize in media and sports field of (practicing sports and non-sports practitioners) who are over the age of 20 years and hold a qualification at least average.

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