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Dr. Alaa Salah Gouda Mohamed Salem :: Experience:

  • Experience in scientific research work and handing the recent analytical and spectral instruments as follows: 1-IR spectra. 2- Mass Spectra included EI; ESI; Maldi. 3- TLC, Column Chromatography. 4- HPLC included Ion-exchange (IEX), reverse phase, NP salting techniques. 5- 1H-,13C-,15N-,31P-,F-NMR included Dept135 techniques 6- 2D-NMR ( Cosy,Nosy, Rosy, HSQC and HMBC) included treating with mestrenova program. 7- UV/Vis spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elimer), CD Spectroscopy,Tm and fluoresence measurments. 8-Microbiological Analysis, Fibrinogen Clotting assay. 9- Microwave machines.
  • Experience in writing scientific manuscripts included ChemBiodraw 2013 program.
  • Experience for more than 6 years in teaching practical organic Chemistry courses for undergraduate students at faculty of science, Department of Chemistry, Benha University.
  • Experience in Molecular Modelling, Drug Design based structure included docking technique (maestro9.2) program. 3D-QSAR studies
  • Experience in performing DNA synthetizer machines.
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