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Prof. Ali Abd El-Maksoud El-Hosary :: Publications:

Heterosis and Combining Ability in Barley
Authors: A.A. Abul - Naas, M.M. Sakr and A.A. EI-Hosary
Year: 1991
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ali Abd El-Maksoud El-Hosary_24.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

HALF diallel set of crosses comprising two local and four intro duced barley varieties was used to estimate the neterosis and combin ing ability for grain yield per plant, plant height, peduncle length, stem diaveter, number of nodes, flag leaf area and lodging. Variances associated with general combining ability were found to be significant for all traits studied Significant SCA variences were detected for grain yielcL’plant, plant height, peduncle length and lodg ing degree. The parental cultivar Giza 117 seemed to be the best com biner for grain yield and plant height. Gheng Tung expressed its su periority in GCA for peduncle length and lodging resistance. Biatori and Giza 119 were almost the best in GCA for stem diameter and number of nodes, respectively The most desirable hybrids were (Giza 117 X Baitori) for grain yield, (Gizall9 X Baicori) for plant height, and (Giza 119 X Gheng Tung ) for peduncle length. Significant positive corrrelation coefficients were obtained be tween mid-parent and F1 hybrid means for; number of nodes, flag leaf area and lodging degree. Low positive cosrelation values were detect ed for grain yield, plant height, pedtmcle length and stem diameter. Heterosis in grain yield varied from 31% above the better parent to 59% below the mid parent. Several methods are available to study the inheritance of quantitative traits. The diallel cross is of common usage in this respect for its power and versatility. Dif ferent approaches to the dialiel analysis for estimating certain genetic parameters in ternis of gene models have been developed. Total genetic variation is parti tioned into the effects of general and specific combining ability. In this context, Sprague and Tatum (1942) defined general combining ability as the average per formance of a line in hybrid combinations, and as such, general combining

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