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Prof. Amr Hanafi Ahmed Ali :: Publications:

MLRS and Dynamic Segmentation for Traffic Congestion Management
Authors: Amr H. Ali
Year: 2017
Keywords: Multi-linear referencing systems; dynamic segmentation; GIS; congestion management; and dynamic network.
Journal: American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS)
Volume: 29
Issue: 1
Pages: 213-227
Publisher: Scientific Academic Publisher
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Amr Hanafi Ahmed Ali_2813-8423-1-PB.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Geomatics techniques is applied in many directions as a decision support tool, one of them is the organization and management of transportation. Traffic congestion is a serious problem, where the road behavior is influencing on people economically as well as intellectually/ Transportation networks are a specialized type of graph that models the logical and topological information in the real world. The road network includes multilinear reference system (MLRS) based model that focuses on network topological analysis. It involves the collection of traffic data that describe the characteristics and geometry of road network, vehicle counts, speed, flow rates, density in order to define the congestion situation. The objective of this research is to integrate the rules of graph theory MLRS and dynamic segmentation (DS) to examine the significance of historical traffic information gathered through Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for solving the dynamic path analysis. This guides vehicles through the urban road network using the optimal path taking into account the traffic conditions on the roads that change over the time.

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