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Dr. marwa ibrahim ali abdelhalim :: Publications:

Ductility of Strengthened RC Beams with Lap Splices
Authors: G. I. khaleel 1, A. S. Debaiky 2, M. H. Mansour 3, Marwa I. Badawi
Year: 2016
Keywords: ductility; FRP; lap splices; tensile stresses; transverse reinforcement; tension reinforcement; strengthen.
Journal: Engineering Research Journal Faculty of Engineering Menoufia University
Volume: 39
Issue: 4
Pages: 285-300
Publisher: ERJ
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper marwa ibrahim ali abdelhalim_ERJM_Volume 39_Issue 4_Pages 285-300.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Studying the ductility of strengthened reinforced concrete beams with varying lap splices is very important for the development of the structural behavior of RC beams. When reinforcement is spliced together within a concrete beam, it is necessary to overlap the bars long enough to transfer the tensile stresses between spliced bars without inducing a pullout failure in the concrete. Most design codes allow the use of bars with lap splice and specify minimum length of the lap as well as the required transverse reinforcement. The objective of this research is to study the behavior of reinforced concrete simply-supported beams with lap splice at tension reinforcement. The tension reinforcement of these beams will be spliced at different locations, with different numbers of lap spliced bars and by using different percentages of reinforcement. Transversal FRP strips will be used to strengthen the RC beams with different lap splice types in order to improve their ductilities. Each of glass and carbon fiber will be used to fabricate the FRP strips. This study concludes that FRP wrapping provided greater ease of application, make beams more ductility.

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