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Prof. Mohsen Haseb El said Ahmed :: Publications:

The impact of distance education on teaching competencies and level Applied Cognitive and student teacher
Authors: Mohsen Haseb
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohsen Haseb El said Ahmed_The impact of distance education on teaching competencies and level.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

Increasing numbers of students year after year largely exceeded the capacity of educational institutions at different levels to accommodate those numbers , resulting in that huge numbers of students do not find a place in the traditional universities . In addition, large sections of the people wants to complete her education but their social and material does not allow her attendance at regular studies in universities and institutes of higher education . In front of these challenges and with recent technological developments have emerged several attempts in many parts of the world to find a new style of Education defines the term distance education and appeared many names and new , such as the Open University and Continuing Education , education, correspondence , etc., which takes many forms of non-traditional education , which relies heavily on modern technology . The distance education uses the printed word and the modern means of communication stations of TV and satellite to provide scientific material over long distances and does not need to run by a teacher or a traditional semesters (8) . In light of the rapid technological changes and shifts in market conditions , the educational system is facing a challenge regarding the need to provide additional educational opportunities , without the need for additional increase budgets . Therefore, many educational institutions have begun to face this challenge through the development of distance education programs , and is learning after initially when fade physical distance between teacher and student / student , during the occurrence of the educational process , where the use of technology such as audio , image and sound , information , and printed materials. In addition to the communication process , which may be face to face , to fill the gap in the field of direct instruction , and allow distance learning programs with another opportunity for university education , or up to people who are less fortunate , both in terms of the lack of time or distance or physical disability , not to mention that these programs contribute to the raising the level of the knowledge base of workers who are working at the site (20) . In distance education be contact between the student recipient and lecturer interactive interactive and allows the distance education system the possibility of receiving lectures from a remote source of where the lecture at the same speed at the same time implementing real time application can be broadcast this system of the lectures live and recorded with high efficiency , which can be a student or attend a lecture listener inside or outside the boundaries of broadcasting place , and of the means of distance education is the computer by floppy disk CD

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