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Prof. Naglaa Mohammed Abd Elgawad :: Publications:

The impact of economic openness on the activity of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce
Authors: dr naglaa abd elgawad
Year: 2015
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
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The basic features created by the partial nationalizations stage mainly consisted in bureaucratic control the movement of the economy which has led to restrict production capacities and falling production efficiency in addition to the movement of investment and capital formation to finance development projects adopted on the sources of public funding, and balked at the top of the contribution National money for the payment of economic growth movement, from here it was the faith of the Egyptian Chambers of Commerce policy of economic openness and has encouraged the Egyptian Chambers of Commerce and State on the need to enact legislation to ensure that the crisis that implementation of this policy, and in light of openness rooms took it upon themselves the task of contributing to a positive effort in coordination between production sectors and, Importer, distribution and consumption, and raising the efficiency of sectors of economic activity in general and ensure that their contributions to the development processes, and the rationalization of distribution and identify the needs of the provinces in order to provide the needs and eliminate bottlenecks (1).

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