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Prof. Naglaa Mohammed Abd Elgawad :: Publications:

The legal status of the Egyptian Copts in the light of historical developments and general Milli laws of 1873 – 1955
Authors: naglaa mohamed abd elgawad
Year: 2011
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: banha
Volume: 2
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 134
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

Numerous judicial bodies in matters of personal status before the law (No. 462 of 1955), as he was the elimination of both the Islamic courts and the courts and the courts consulate denominational boards and provisions. This diversity has entailed in the judiciary, applied to every point of their own laws, Vtaddt so the laws that govern personal status problems (). Orbiter and the development of judicial reform in Egypt recognizes the importance of the role played by the Act in the elimination of this multiplicity. As a result, that was the Sharia courts are competent personal status issues to the Egyptians and Muslims were naturally apply the Islamic Sharia As for the non-Muslims of the Egyptians were denominational boards are competent to adjudicate in their personal issues. The multiplicity of these councils varied religions, sects and denominations even reached the fourteen councils each of which applies the rules and principles of the religious sect under its jurisdiction, while foreigners were Ttolahm consular courts.

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