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Ass. Lect. Samia Farouk Ibrahem Salem

Academic Position: Asst. Lecturer

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Ex-Administrative Position:

Faculty: Science

Department: Physics



Scientific Name: Samia Salem

Publications [ Titles(5) :: Papers(2) :: Abstracts(5) ]

Courses Files( 0)

Inlinks: (0)

External links: (0)


A theoretical model for the delivery of magnetic nanoparticles through a blood vessel under the influence of a magnetic field [2022-12-13]
A theoretical model for the delivery of magnetic nanoparticles through a blood vessel under the influence of a magnetic fieldmore

Research Interests

drug delivery, Drag targeting, Dynamics of blood in vessels, Cancer treatment, Newtonian and non Newtonian fluids, Blood Rheology, Numerical simulation by comsol multiphysics

selected publications

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