Publications of Benha University on Google Scholar: Plant protein in milk replacers for rearing buffalo calves. II. Effect of replacing 75% of the milk proteins by plant proteins on the preweaning performance of buffalo calves.

Plant protein in milk replacers for rearing buffalo calves. II. Effect of replacing 75% of the milk proteins by plant proteins on the preweaning performance of buffalo calves.
Authors: MA El-Ashry, AM El-Serafy, AA Zaki
Year: 1987
Keywords: Not Available
Journal/Conference: Beitrage zur tropischen Landwirtschaft und Veterinarmedizin
Volume: 26
Issue: 2
Pages: 189-195
Publisher: Beitrage zur tropischen Landwirtschaft und Veterinarmedizin 26 (2), 189-195
URL on Google:
Citations: Not Available
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available