Publications of Benha University on Google Scholar: Effect of mycorrhizal inoculation and phosphatic fertilization on damping-off and root-rot disease of sour orange.The effect on disease severity, microbial counts, phenols and carbohydrates content.

Effect of mycorrhizal inoculation and phosphatic fertilization on damping-off and root-rot disease of sour orange.The effect on disease severity, microbial counts, phenols and carbohydrates content.
Authors: MH Abd El-Mageed, RA Gendiah, H.M. and Zaghloul
Year: 1998
Keywords: Not Available
Journal/Conference: Not Available
Volume: 25
Issue: 6
Pages: 975-990
Publisher: 975-990, 25 (6), 975-990,
URL on Google:
Citations: Not Available
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available