Publications of Benha University on Google Scholar: Studies on filariasis in Egyptian buffaloes: I. Preliminary evaluation of antigens extracted from Stephanofilaria and intact Microfilaria in diagnosis of filariasis in Egyptian buffaloes

Studies on filariasis in Egyptian buffaloes: I. Preliminary evaluation of antigens extracted from Stephanofilaria and intact Microfilaria in diagnosis of filariasis in Egyptian buffaloes
Authors: M Esmat, AMA Selim, AM Mohamed,H.A. and Moustafa
Year: 1990
Keywords: Not Available
Journal/Conference: Not Available
Volume: 1990
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 18-20
Publisher: The 4th ScLCong., 18-20 November, 1990,Fac.Vet.Med.,AssiutUniv.,Egypt
URL on Google:
Citations: Not Available
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available