The sphenoid sinus like all other paranasal sinuses is prone to mucosal inflammatory
and allergic lesions. The aim of surgery is to establish proper drainage and areation of the
sinus cavity through a sphenoidoiotny. This study, included 20 patients who underwent endoscopic
sphenoidotomy alone or in conjunction with endoscopic sinus surgery of the other
sinuses. In 13 patients, surgeiy was performed bilaterally and in 7 unilaterally. Postoper
ative endoscopic evaluation revealed patent sphenoidotomv in 30 cases (90.9%) and oc
cluded ostium in 3 cases (9%). The cavity was clear in 19 cases (57.5%) and the miicosa
was healthy in IS cases (54.5%). It was concluded that endoscopic sphenoidotomy is a
safe and direct procedure with high patency rate and fairly good function. |