Objectives: The present study aimed to estimation of tissue extract ep
idermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and serum squamous cell carcino
ma antigen (SCCA) levels in patients with inverted papilloma (IP) in varied
pathological states as a trial to determine their role in pathogenesis and/
or their applicability for differentiation between these dfferent pathologi
cal changes.
Patients fit Methods: The study included 6 cases with primarily diag
nosed IP, 4 cases with recurrent IP and 3 cases had IP with SCC and 10
healthy volunteers to give blood samples as control group. All patients un
derwent full history taking, general and local examination and CT imag
ing was conducted. All cases underwent endoscopical excision and fresh
ly excised IP tissues were divided into two parts; the first for
histopathological examination and the second was immediately frozen on
dry ice and stored in liquid nitrogen at -7CPC until processed for estima
tion of tissue extract level ofEGFR. Venous blood samples were obtained
prior to and after surgical resection for ELISA estimation of serum SCCA.
Results: The study included 13 patients; 10 males and 3 females,
with mean age of 62.46.2 years. Nasal obstructton was the main pre
senting symptom followed by epistaxis and headache. Patients with re
current IP gave history ofprevtous endoscopic removal since a mean du
ration of 6.2+2.2 months and one patient had recurrent IP twice.
Histopathotogtoal examination documented the diagnosis of benign IP in
10 cases and SCC changes in 3 IP. Mean EGFR levels estimated in tissue
extract of IP wiih SCC was significantly higher compared to benign IP
with significantly higher levels in recurrent IP compared to primary IP. |