This workwas planed to study the prevalence ofrenal artery stenosis
(RAS) inpatientswithcoronary artery disease (CAD), and to evaluate its
relation to different parameters as age, sex, hypertension, smoking, dia
betes melliius, severity ofcoronary artery disease, hypercholesterolemia,
renalfunction, and left ventricular dysfunction. The study comprised 128
patients sufferingfromcoronary artery disease documented by coronary
angiography, 96males (75%) and32females (25%)with meanageo/53
7.48y. All patients were subjected to thorough history taking,fill clinical
examination. X-ray chest& heart, electrocardiography and laboratory in
vestigationsformeasuring blood urea, serumcreatinine and total choles
terol. Abdominal aortography at the level ofthefrst lumbar vertebra and
selective renalongiographywere done at the same sitting ofcoronary an
giography. Renal artery stenosis, was considered if there is himinal nar
rowing of>50%. The results revealed that 23 patients (18%) ofthe study
group 18 males and 5females with mean age 617.1y showed renal ar
tery stenosis (group fl uihiZe the remaining 105 patients (82%), 78 males
and 27 females with mean age 517.4y showed normal renal arteries
(group II). The study showed also that advance of age, multivessel coro
nary artery diseaseand systemic hypertension are significantly correlate
with theprevalence ofrenovascular disease while other riskfactors as di
abetes mellitus, smoking and hyperchlosterolemia proved to have a weak
correlation with renovascular affection. Conclusion: out of 128 patients
sufferingfrom CAD, 23 (18%) werefound to have renal artery stenosis.
Also there was +ve significant relation between the severity ofCAD, hy
pertension and aging on one hand and the prevalence,ofHAS on the other
hand. |