77iis study was done to clarify the nature ofcardiac involvement in liv
er cirrhosis, the study comprised 40 patients with liver cirrhosis and 10
healthy control subjects. These patients were categorized under 3
groups :- Patients with liver cirrhosis and tense ascites : This group com
prised 20 patients {7females (35%) and 13 males (65%) with age range
from40 to 70 years (mean = 55+8) (Group 1). Patients with liver cirrhosis
with no evidence of actual ascites at clinical and abdominal ultrasound
examination but with history of clinically previous episodes of ascites .
This group comprised 20 patients (5 females (25%) and 15 males (75%)
with age rangefrom 46 to 70 years (mean 55+5,/ (Group 2). 10 healthy
subjects {3females (30%) and 7 males (70%)) with age rangefrom45 to
70 years (mean= 56+7), served as normal controlfor comparison (Group
3), Allpatients were subjected tofull history taking, frill clinical examina
tion, laboratory investigation (assessment of liver Junction, hepatitis
marker, indirect haemaglutinatioh (IHA) for bilharziasis, arterial blood
gases), abdominal ultrasound, Xray chest and heart, electrocardiography,
doppler echocardiography. the results showed that patients with
liver cirrhosis with and without ascites showed increased prevalence of
Q-Tc intervalprolongation that correlate positively with the severity ofliv
er cirrhosis and Child Pugh Score and was attributed to autonomic
dysfunction, adrenergic hypertotie, electrolyte imbalance and female
gender |