In order to find out the ideal size of a balloon needed to produce
the most effective dilatation in patients having isolated pulmonary
stenosis, the haemodynamic effectwas studied before and immediately
after balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty in 30 patients (17males)with a
mean age 9.9816.28 years (range from0.5 to 21 years). Thewhole 39
dilatations performed in these patients were classified into 3 groups
(Gr) according to the balloon diameter to thepulmonary valve annulus
(B/A) ratio: Gr I: B/A ratio <1.3 (10 dilatations), with a mean ratio
1.1910.09 (range 1.04 to 1.29). Gr. II: B/A ratio 1.3:1.5 (18
dilatations), with a mean ratio 1.40.06 (range 1.33 to 1.5). Gr. Ill
B/A ratio > 1.5 (11 dilatations) with a mean ratio 1.630.08 (range
1.53 to 1.8). |