To evaluate the effects of latePTCAofLAD in patientswith
anterior MI on left ventricular regional and global systolic functions &
left ventricular (systolic and diastolic) volumes and electrical stabilitywe
included 37 patients . Clinical examination,echo-Doppler evaluation and
SA-ECG study (stage I)were done for each patient .Diagnostic coronary
angiography followed by PTCA at 14 2 days for the single proximal
LAD lesionwas done for 25 patients (group A) .The remaning 12 patients
(group B) either had unsuccessfulPTCAor they refused the PTCAfrom
the start .Echo-Doppler evaluation and SA-ECGstudywere repeated32
days after thePTCA(stage II) and at 3 months (stage III) for group Aand
at same time for group B . Statistical analysis revealed non significant
changes in WMA score and LV-EF%for both groupsA&B at stage II
.LV volumes showed significant increase only in groupB . However, at
stage III there were significant reduction of WMA score(22.34 to
20.26)and significant increase of EF%(42.67 to 459) in group A
patients , but the ESV&EDV showed non significant reduction . Group B
showed significant increase of WMA score (21.93 to 25.86) &
significant reduction ofEF%(446to 36.811) and significant increases
Of ESV&EDV (P< 0.05) |