This study was carried out to determine the role of cortical y- aminobutyric
acid (GABA), and acetylcholine (A.Ch.) in the initiation and maintenance
of status epilepticus (S.E.) induced in rats by lithium chloride (Li.
Cl.) (3 mot m/ kg LP.) and Pilocarpine hydrochloride (30 mg/Icy S.C.).
Results of the present work revealed that S. E. significarttly reduces
cortical GABA level (P<0.05), and significantly elevates A.Ch. level
(P<0.05). Moreover, diazepam (20 mg /kg LP.) significarttly increases cortical
GABA level (P<0.05) and significantly reduces A.Ch. level (P<0.05)
when administrated at the onset of S. E. seizures, but significantly increases
GABA level when administrated in ongoing S. E. seizures. In addition,
atropine (5 mg/ kg LP.) sign yicarttly increases cortical GABA level
(P<0.05) and significantly reduces A.Ch. concentration (P<0.05) when administrated
either at the onset or in ongoing S.E. seizures.
In conclusion, reduction of cortical GABA and elevation of A.Ch. are responsible
for initiation of S. E. seizures, on the other hand, reduction of
cortical GABA is responsible for ongoing S. E. seizures.
• Introduction abrupt cessation of long term anti- |