This study is a trial to evaluate the value ofdetermination ofplasma level of some factors and the degree ofmicroangiopathy in diabetic patients. Forty five subjects were classified into three groups, Group I included 15 insulindependent diabeticpatients. Group II included 15 non insulin dependentdiabeticpatients. GroupIII included 15 normal healthy subjects as a control group. All ofthem were subjected to a thorough history taking, clinical examination,Jundus examination andfluorescein retino-angiography. Plasma level ofplateletfactor-4, f}-thromboglobulin andfibronectin were estimated in all subjects using enzyme immunoassay technique. Fasting andpostprandial blood glucose level were measured forall subjects. Plasma levels ofplateletfactor-4, fi-thromboglobulin and fibronectin concentration were significantly higher in diabetic groups as compared to control group. These levels showed higher significant increase in diabetic angiopathies shown as diabetic foot and/or
rednopathy with multiple degrees of microangiopathies as compared to those without diabeticfoot or retinopathy. Soplasmaplateletfactor-4, fithromboglobulin and fibronectin might be considered as indication of microvasculardamage indiabeticpatients and can represent an important approach in the study andfollow up ofdiabetic angiopathic disorders. |