In this study we tried to evaluate the nature of the relation between PVC morphology andmyocardial disease state and to determine if there is struc tural or functional information can be obtained fromPVCmorphology on, the twelve-leads electrocardiogram.•,.,.'7
The study had been carried on 100 patients inwhomtwelve-leads EC(^ were available and showed PVCs, at least one PVC was present in M' twelve-leads ECGtracing, of those 100 patients, 54 undrgone prospecti^e studywhile the remaining 46 patientswere retrospectively studied.Patients were classified into two groups according to PVC morpholo gy.Group I considered ofpatients having classic PVC QRS complexwith either smooth and interrupted contour orwith narrow(< 40msec) notches (type I PVC).While group II comprised patientswhith PVCor complex es containingwide (> 40msec) notches or shelves (type II PVCs).
-In all patients clinical statuswas reviewed. -12 leads ECGfor every patientwas studied and analyzed for PVCs and any other abnormalities. -Chest radiogram, echo cardiography and coronary angiography were donewhen possible. -We found that the incidenceof cardiomegaly, heart failure and im paired ejection fraction are more prevalence in group II, which means more impairment of leftventricular structure and function in patientswith type II PVCs. |