SWAP vaccinated mice and challenged with
Schistosoma mansoni (100 ± 20 / mice) showed a significantly decrease in worm burden of pceerrfucasreida
vaccinated mice compared with control infected mice, and also minimized the
size and number of granuloma in different tissues ( intestine, spleen and liver)
Praziquantel(PZQ) therapy showed a significant decrease in egg
granuloma number in the intestine meanwhile the liver showed less significant
decrease in egg granuloma number with diminution of granuloma size. Worm
granuloma was observed in the liver after PZQ treatment
attributed to worm shift to the liver These data may guide and recowmhmicehn md afoyl lobwe
up and repeat therapeutic dose to kill shifted worms to the liver.
markeTdh dereec rise aas sey nine rgism betvireen drug therapy and vaccination, which showed
egg granuloma size and number in the liver, while the
intestine was nearly cured. Finally SWAP vaccinated mice showed a partial
protection due to acquired immunity where the mice are still susceptible for |