Sacroiliac joints were studied in 50 asymptomatic patients by Computerised tomography (C.1). They were 20 females and 30 males and ranged in age from 15 to 80 years. The aim was to clarify the effect of aging on the sacroiliac joint in normal Egyptian population. About 44% of the 100 sacroiliac joints studied were uniform and 56% non-uniform. In the age group under 30 years, all the joints (100%) were uniform and this percentage decreased with increasing the age. - 94% of the joints demonstrated joint space greater than or equal to 2mm. - Iliac subchondral sclerosis was present in 54% and mostly well defined (87%), non-uniforms (55.6%) and above 5 mm. in thickness (70%) of the joints that were presented with iliac subchondral sclerosis. Ischial subchondral sclerosis was present in 16% and mostly well defined (75%) uniform (75%) and more than 3mm (87.5%) of 16 joints. Osteophytes were seen in 12 patients (24%) and when present were most seen anteriorly. - Para-articular ankylosis was noted in 17 patients (14%) but intra-articular ankylosis was not observed. Vacuum degeneration was noted in 4 patients (8%) and after the age of 39 years. - Erosions were found in only one patient (2%) who was above 50 years, but the subchondral cysts were not detected in any patient. - Under the age of 30 years, the sacroiliac joints were symmetrical as regards joint space, subchondral sclerosis and overall appearance. With increasing |