Publications of Faculty of Medicine:Tegu mental changes on Schistosoma mansoni adult and juvenile worms after in vivo treatment with low dose of mefloquine in experimentally infected mice.: Abstract

Tegu mental changes on Schistosoma mansoni adult and juvenile worms after in vivo treatment with low dose of mefloquine in experimentally infected mice.
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Schistosomiasis is one of the world's greatly neglected tropical diseases, and its control is largely dependent on a single drug, praziquantel. Here, we report the in vivo effect of mefloquine, on Schistosoma mansoni juvenile and adult worms. A mefloquine concentration of 200mg/kg induced morphological changes on the tegument, analysis carried out by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) revealed severe tegumental changes that occurred rapidly after treatment of S. mansoni worms with mefloquine 200mg/kg. The SEM analysis revealed progressive damages on the tegument surface causing its disruption. The changes in the tegument surface included peeling as well as formation and collapsing of tubercles, shedding of the tegument from the basement membrane indicating straight damage to the cells in a direct time dependent effect. In addition, morphological changes on oral and ventral sucker regions, in the form of deformity, retraction and shrinkage were observed S. mansoni worms 2, 3, and 7 days after treatment of both juvenile and adult infection. Results: Tegumental change of adult S. mansoni recovered from mcfloquine treated mice have been observed in both male and female which were prominent in female worms. Keywords: Schistosoma mansoni, tegumental changes, mefloquinc, adult ,juvenile.