Publications of Faculty of Medicine:Clinical Evaluation of Rapid Serodiagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA): Abstract

Clinical Evaluation of Rapid Serodiagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
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The aim of the present work is to evaluate ELISA test in serodiagnosis of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis by measuring the level of IgG specific antibodies to 38 KDa antigen. The study was carried out on 18 male patients with fresh active pulmonary tuberculosis. 18 male patients with pulmonary tuberculosis 3 months after anrituberculous therapy, 18 male patients with healed pulmonary tuberculosis after completion of therapy, ii male patients with non tuberculous chest diseases and 15 apparently healthy male subjects as control group. EWA test was positive in 83.3% of fresh active cases, in 66.6% in tuberculous patients 3 months after therapy, in 66.6% of patients with healed pulmonary tuberculous, in 9.1% of patients with non tuberculous chest diseases and negative in all control subjects. It could be concluded that ELISA technique using 38 KDa antigen is very usefisl in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis especially fresh active disease.