T- lymphocyte subpopulation (T3. T4 and T8) and serum imrrtunoglobulirts
(Ig G. IgA. and Ig M) were estimated in blood of (20) patients with active
pulmonary tuberculosis (group I-a), (20) patients With inactive pulmonary
tuberculosis (group I-b) and (1()) healthy persons (group II). All
subjects were assessed clinically, radiologically, bacteriologically and by
tuberculin testing. Active tuberculosis (group I-a) was associated with significant
increase in Ig G and Ig M levels, irtsignifcant increase in Ig A level,
highly sign(fcant decrease of absolute total lymphocytes. insignificant
decrease of T 3%, highly sign(fcant decrease of absolute T3. highly signif
cant decrease of T4% and absolute T4, highly signtfcartt increase of T8
and highly signifcartt decrease of T4/T8 ratio. Patients with inactive pulmonary
tuberculosis (group 1-b) showed near normal values of serum irnmurtoglobulins
(Ig G, M and A), 73, T4, T8 and T4/T8 ratio. |