Publications of Faculty of Medicine:HCV Genotypes Association with Chronic Hepatitis and Hepatic Cell Carcinoma in Egypt: Abstract

HCV Genotypes Association with Chronic Hepatitis and Hepatic Cell Carcinoma in Egypt
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To study HCV genotype and its influence on the disease type and complication, seventy-one HCV Egyptian patients were examined in three groups Twenty-three in group I discovered accidentally with no clinical or clinical chemical findings. Twenty-five in group ll with chonic active hepatitis as proved histopathologically. Twenty-three in group III with hepatocellular carcinoma again histopathologically proved. All cases were subjected to ALT, AST, ALP, GGT, AFP serum levels, autoantibodies (especially ANA & AS/VIA), and HCV genotyping. The results of the study showed that genotype 4a is the most prevalent in all groups (being 38.7%, 60.7% and 423% in groups I, II, and III, respectively). From the pathological point of view this work demonstrated genotype 4a followed by 4c&d (being 0%, 14.3%, and 30.8% in groups I, II, and III respectively) as the most pathological genotypes with an observation of genotypic mutation to 4c&d with time. The least pathological genotypes in the study groups were lb (being 3.2%, 3.6 %, and 7.78% in groups I, II, and Ill respectively) followed by 2a (being 3.8% in group III). The work concluded the importance of HCV genotypic evaluation for proper assessment of the clinical situation of HCV patients. The present study suggests further research in the same field for the welfare of HCV Egyptian patients.