Publications of Faculty of Medicine:Study of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide In Stable and Decompensated Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases: Abstract

Study of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide In Stable and Decompensated Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
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Study objective: The present study was carried out to study the changes in plasma ANP in stable and decompensated cases of COPD and to correlate these changes with the ventilatory and right atrial and right ventricular functions. Subjects: 70 subjects, 60 COPD patients and 10 healthy control subjects. Design: The COPD cases were classified into 3 groups. Group I: Included 20 cases on hospital admission with acute infective exacerbation (Group Ia), those cases were reinvestigated 6 weeks after medical treatment (Group Ib). Group II: Included 20 patients with COPD cor pulmonale and right sided heart failure. Group III: Included 20 patients with COPD without cor pulmonale. Investigations: Ventilatory functions, echocardiography and plasma ANP were done to all subjects. Main results: In cases of COPD, ANP was significantly elevated in all groups in comparison to the control group. The highest level was found in group la, the lowest level was in group III. ANP was significantly elevated in group II in comparison to lb and HI groups. ANP was correlated with PAP, RAsa, RAD, RVD and RVAW. The decrease of ANP in group lb was associated with improvement in the ventilatory and cardiac functions. Conclusion: ANP was elevated in COPD cases and it was correlated with the severity of the disease and with the degree of PAP, right atrial and right ventricular dimensions.