Publications of Faculty of Medicine:Coronary Angiographic Pattern In Hypertensive Patients With Documented • Coronary Artery Disease: Abstract

Coronary Angiographic Pattern In Hypertensive Patients With Documented • Coronary Artery Disease
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Arterial hypertension (HTN) is a major risk factors for the development of myocardial ischemia and infarction. The aim of this work Is to study & compare the distribution and severity of coronary obstructive lesions in hypertensive compared to normotensive patients (pts with established coronary artery disease CAD) documented by coronary angiography. Results: Both groups were similar as regard the age. Incidence of diabetes, of dyslipidemia. Single vessel disease was common in Group I (66%) than in Group II (43%) NO.05. While two & three vessels diseases were more encountered in Group II. Both•Groups were similar as regard anatomic vascular affection (e.g., LAD, CX &RCA proximal and mid lesions). However, significant lesions affecting distal coronary vessels were more common in Group 11 (11%) than In Group 1(2%) NO.05. TIMI flow collateral flow grading, % stenosis and left ventricular EF were not different in both groups. • Conclusions: The association between HTN and C increases the likelihood of muldvessels disease as well as dIstalsoronary affection. However, it has little if any impaction on the severity of stenosis. TIM! flow. Collateral flow grading or left ventricular EF. 40