This study included 30 patients with end stage renal disease under regular
haemodialysis Non of the patients had history of diabetes mellitus before
haemodialysis. Patients were subjected to history taking and full clinical
examination and the following investigations. Haematocrite value, blood
urea, serum creatinine before and after haemodialysis. Intravenous glucose
tolerance test a) before haemodialysis. h) after haemodialysis, c) after haemodialysis,
during which vitamine C was supplemented in the form of ampules
500 mg ascorbic acid. One ampule in 100 ml saline infused during
dialysis for 15 patients over a period of 4 hours (group 1). In group 11(15
patients) vitamine C was supplemented orally (100 mg/day) for a period of
4 weeks. Ascorbic acid levels in plasma were determined.
Haemodialysis was found to cause deterioration in glucose metabolism
which was found to he more reduced hut insignificant by intravenous ascorbic
acid administration during dialysis session. |