Acutemyocardial infarction (AMI) is one ofmajor causes of disa
bilityinhumans ail over the world.More than 60%of thedeaths-Occur
within the first fewhoursoftheevent (BraunwaldandSobel, 1992).
Earlytreatmentwiththrombolytic therapywithin6hours fromtheonset
ofAMI has been shownto restoremyocardialbloodflowand reduce
moitiality. On the other hand, thrombolytic therapy has its serious side effects
ifnot used properly. This necessitates the use of a very specific, sen-
skive and rapidlaboratory test for accurate and eariy diagnosis of acute
myocardial infarction (Isis et aL 1988).
Myoglobin is abeme containingproteinpresent in skeletalmuscles
and cardiacmuscle, following acutemyocardial infarctionit is released
fromdamaged heartmuscle cells as early as 2 - 3 hours after the onset
of chestpain and before the release of creatinephosphokinase (Tuengieretal.
Thisworkwas carried out to evaluate the role ofmyoglobinassayin
early diagnosis of acutemyocardial infraction and to compare its speci
ficity and sensitivitywith serumcreatine.phosphokinase and electrocardiographic
change. |