This work was carried out onA10bshteraalctthy volunteers who served as a
control group (Gl). and 50 patients with chronic renal failure. The uremic
patientswere divided into 5 groups, each consisted of 10 patients.
Group 2 (G2) comprised patients with negativeHBsAg. Group 3 (G3)
comprised patients treated with conservative measures who are chronic
healthy carrier forHBsAg. Group 4 (G4) comprisedpatients treatedwith
conservativemeasures who suffered fromchronic active hepatitis due to
HBV infection. Group 5 (G5) comprised diaiyzed patients who are
chronic healthy carrier forHBsAg. Group 6 (G6) comprised diaiyzed pa
tientswho suffered fromchronic active hepatitis due to HBVinfection.
The following laboratory investigations were performed to all sub
jects: complete blood picture, counting ofT-lymphocytes, HBsAg, blood
urea, serumcreatinine, serumbilirubin and serumtransaminases.Diagno
sis of chronic active hepatitiswas confirmed by liver biopsy.
Our study showed that chronic renal failure as well as haemodialysis
decreased significantly bc^x total lymphocytic count and absolute T-cell
count., |