Publications of Faculty of Medicine:HBVANDHCVAMONGVOLUNTEER BLOODDONORS: Abstract

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During tfieperiod betmeenApril 1992 andMay 1995, 3576 volunteer blood donors had their sera testedfor:HBsAg,HCV (antibodies! by ELISA II andALT. Serawith highALT were retestedfor:ASA, AMA andAndBilharziaiAntibodies. Re8s0uvltoslunteers wereHBsAg +ve ^2.296), among themonly 3 cases (3.8%) had their ALT elevated. HCV antibodies were +ve in 312(8.7%) volun teers among them39 cases had elevated ALT (12.6%). 28 cases had their'sera +vefor bothHBsAg andHCVAb (0.8%). among them4 cases had ele^tedALT (14.3%). 6 cases had their ALT elevatedwith all other tests -ve (HBsAg,HCVAb, ASA,AMAandAntlBilharzialAb).