Publications of Faculty of Medicine:Evaluation ofjPbst;Mastectomy Pain and Functional;,. ,:._,.', -Outcome'-after Surgery for Early* Breast Cancer: Abstract

Evaluation ofjPbst;Mastectomy Pain and Functional;,. ,:._,.', -Outcome'-after Surgery for Early* Breast Cancer
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egard iwlicnlfpahice aflet diffetenl types osurgeryr study comprised 28 patients with early breast cancer divided into 3 groups according to operative piocedure indicated; modified radical mastectomy (group A), pectoralis minor pi eservalton mastectomy (group B) and breast conservative surgery (group C). Postoperative follow-up was conducted every 3 months for PMPS using McGill Pain Questionnaire, pain seventy was recoidcd using 4-point verbal analogue scale The frequency of occurrence and the degree ofLE was reported using sequential circumferential measurements. Psychological and pin steal svelfaie was determined using a 4-subscale questionnaire. Results. 10 patients (35 7%) had PMPS with a nonsignificant difference between the three applied procedures as i egai ds both the frequency and seventy of PMPS. 2 patients m group A had painful shoulder ii ilh significant redui lion of shoulder abduction and external rotation Six patients (21 4%) de^eloped LE with .significant increase in the mean difference in arm circumference m group 4 & B compared to group C. Patients included in group C had significantly higher scores of psychological and .physical welfare compared to other groups Conclusion: It could be concluded that PMPS is not strictly related to the type of surgical procedure and whenever indicated hieast conset vative surgery has better functional outcome with the least incidence of complications. Benha University Mostafa El-Sayed1 ;& Khaled Sal 1 & I^eurology^, Evaluation ofjPbst;Mastectomy Pain and Functional;,. ,:._,.', -Outcome'-after Surgery for Early* Breast Cancer '•- '