A series of 100 patients with natal cleft sinus (P. N. S.) were subjected
to be managed surgically. They included 79 males and 21 females, their
mean age was 26. 7 years, (S. D 2.6).
Their mean period of illness variedfrom 1.4 to 5.1 months. No congeni
tal anomalies were detected in any of our patients. Excision of the sintis
under anaesthesia deep to the presacral fascia was performed for all the
patients. To manage the remainning cavity the patients were group^d
randomly into (equal groups. One group had primary mjdline closur^, die
second was managed by primary oblique closure, in the third group the
wounds were left opened and the last group was managed by marsupializalion.
Comparative study between the 4 groups revealed that best re
sults were obtained in the patients of group H having their wounds man
aged by primary oblique closure as the recurrence rate was less than the
other groups also they had shorter hospital stay and less days off work
as their wounds had a more rapid healing time. |