Thirty patients with acute lower abdominal pain of uncertain diagnosis
were the material of this study. After a short time of observation without
a definitive diagnosis, laparoscopic exploration was performed to help in
establishing a correct diagnosis and management and avoid unneces
sary laparotomy. At laparoscopy the diagnosis of acute appendicitis was
made in ten patients. Gynaecological pathology was diagnosed in thir
teen patients, one patient had Mekel's diverticulitis, while in six patients
no definitive pathology was found. One patient among the last six had
acute appendicitis as the appendix was not visualized completely, lapa
roscopy reduced the number ofun necessary laparotomy .
The procoediires and the results were reviewed with the conclusion
that laparoscopy is safe and usefid as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool
in management of patients with uncertain diagnosis of acute lower ab
dominal pain. |