Publications of Faculty of Medicine:Colonic-Coloplasty-After Total Mesorectal Excision In Cancer Rectum-Preliminary Study Of Functional And Manometric Results: Abstract

Colonic-Coloplasty-After Total Mesorectal Excision In Cancer Rectum-Preliminary Study Of Functional And Manometric Results
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Total mesorectal excision has become the standard procedure for treatment of low rectal cancer. Straight coloanal anastomosis after low anterior resection results in frequency, urgency and other defecation disorders that may persist for one or two years until adaptation takes place. These functional disorders are attributed to loss of the rectal reservoir. Colonic J-pouch could overcome these problems. However colonic J-pouch is not always feasible to construct. Colonic "coloplasty" is a novel technique that was introduced as an alternative neorectal reservoir that can be done after low anterior resection. The aim of this study is to evaluate the functional and manometric results of the new technique colonic "coloplasty". ir low anterior resection for rectal cancer. Patients and methods: fourteen patients with low rectal cancer were subjected to total mesorectal excision followed by coloplasty procedure. The postoperative follow-up included anomanometric and continence scoring. Results: fourteen patients had coloplasty as a neorectal reservoir after pro ctectomy. Four patients had postoperative complications; one anastomotic leak, one adhesive small bowel obstruction, one anastornotic stricture and one prolonged urinary blaader dysfunction. The mean number of bowel movement was 2.6 times per day. antidiarrheal medications were required in three patients. Two patients hurl urge incontinence and one patient had incontinence to liquid stool and gas. Postoperative anomanometry showed a mean resting pressure of 37.2 mmHg, a mean squeeze pressure of 137.5 mmHg,- a mean maximum tolerated volume of 120 ml and a mean compliance of neorectal reservoir of 4.8 mmHg. The recto-anal inhibitory reflex was preserved in 86% of cases after the operation. Conclusion: Colonic coloplasty is a simple procedure that cart be done safely as a neorectal reservoir. It has functional results comparable to colonic Jpouch but much easier and more feasible to perform.