Publications of Faculty of Medicine:Laparoscopic Managment Of Oesophageal Achalasia: Abstract

Laparoscopic Managment Of Oesophageal Achalasia
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This study evoluote the new trend of using lnporoscopic approach of cardio - Oesophageal rnyotorny with Dor - type anterior fundoplication for oesophageal acholo sia. The Study included /2 patients, 8 females, 4 moles whose age ranged from 35-60years, they presented with dysphagia with regurgitation, due to achalasia of the cardia, they were subjected to full clinical, laporatory investigations, in addition to upper fibreoptic endoscopy, barium swallow and motility study for the lower oesophageal sphincter pressure, they were operated upon laparoscopically, conversion to laparotomy was required in two patients, no operative mortality occured, post operative complications, incluriPd one left sub diaphragmatic abcess secondary to oesophageal mucosal tear which was sutured at open laparotomy, and pleural effusion in two patients responded to conservative medical treatment, disappearance of dysphagia was reported in 10 patients and persisted in two patients whom responded to pneumatic dilatation, post operative manometric study of the lower oesophageal sphincter pessure showed reduction of the pressure from mean 25.4 ram. Hg to mean 14.5 nun. Hg. with no post operative reflux oesophagitis, whicht tends toward statistically significance (p = 0.08), after follow up ranged from 8 monthes to two years, therfore we concluded that, cardiomyotomy with Dor fundoplication through a laparoscopic approach seem to be effective in management of oesophageal achalasia and is superior to pneumatic dilatation.