Publications of Faculty of Medicine:Micro Laparotomy Laparoscopicallyassisted Cholecystectomy (Mllac): Abstract

Micro Laparotomy Laparoscopicallyassisted Cholecystectomy (Mllac)
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In this study, the results of 50 patients underwent cholecystectomy by new technique including micro single, incision (about 2cm length) assisted by laparoscopic instruments through'this single small incision (Micro Laparotomy LaparoscopicdBy assisted cholecystectomy) (MLLAC). These patients included cases presented as symptomatic chronic calcular cholecystitis 40 patients (80%) of patients, and symptomatic chronic non clacular cholecystitis (10%) of patients. The mean operative time was within moderate time (within normal consuming time of laparoscopic cholecystectomy only or open only. This procedure was completed in 45 pat (90%) of patients, while in 5 pat (10%) of patients was converted to extended (wide) incision to help completed cholecystectomy without proper complications of the previous microlaparotomy. The mean post operative stay was significantly shorter in MLIAC. No mortality was reported in both groups, while complications rate was sim ple as post operative fever and wound infection especially in converted cases-1C% of patients due to missed subacule cholecystitis and friable gall bladder wall and moderate adhesions which delected during sur gery. It is concluded that (MLLAC) is considered the best choice for treatment ofchornic gall bladder disease, since It is safe effective technique even in difficult cases because this procedure includes the benefits of L.C. and mini-cholecystectomy (M.C) with its cosmetic single micromdsion, and also its complications can be prevented by proper patients selection with combined proper antibiotics.