Publications of Faculty of Medicine:Breast conservation therapy in treatment of cancer breast: Abstract

Breast conservation therapy in treatment of cancer breast
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Breast conservation therapy (B.C.T.) comprises local excision, axillary dissection and post operative radiotherapy. Numerous studies have now shown that although local recurrence may be slightly more common after breast conservation than mastectomy, disease-free survival and overall survival are the same. The primary goals of breast conservation therapy are'tumour control and acceptable appearance of the breast. Twenty fe male patients were included in this study .All patients were suitable for B.C.T. Their ages ranged from 25 to 60 years (mean age 41.38.8 years). All patients were subjected to mammography, fine needle aspiration cy tology (FNAC) and metastatic work up (chest x -ray, abdominal ultra sonography and bone scans j.The study included 4 patients (20%) in stage I, l'4 patients (70%) in stage H and 2 patients (10%) in stage III. One pa tient showed positive safety margin of the lumpectomy specimen and for wlwm mastectomy was done. The remaining 19 cases were followed up for two years . The study showed an excellent cosmetic appearance, how ever, local recurrence occurred in 3 cases (15.78%) . The higher incidence of local recurrence in tlie present study may be related to the histopathological nature of the tumour, the biological behavior of breast cancer in Egypt or even the sample is so small in number.