Publications of Faculty of Medicine:New Technique Using Meshplug In Treatment Of Oblique Inguinal Hernia : Abstract

New Technique Using Meshplug In Treatment Of Oblique Inguinal Hernia
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Oblique inguinal hernias can be repaired efficaciously by "tension-free" • hemioplasty which has dramatically i educed the expected high failure rate of traditional tissue-based repairs'.-Vie use of the, mesh plug has been tried and accepted as a valuable tool to block the defect m many mguinal hernias. The present study intended to evahiale open"antenor" tension-free" hemioplnsly in inguinal hernia in a prospective randomize pattern, trying to codify the indications for mesh plug. The study included 30 adult male patients with imilatera uncomplicated oblique inguinal her nias. The results obtained from patients were determind for patient her nia types, multiplicity of previous repatrsls), site and size of the defect, operative time, analgesic requirements limitation of daily activity, day-qff work, posL operative complication, follow up period and recurrence rate The results of the study revealed that the size of the defect was 3cm. or less in 76.7% of patients. Also there was significant decrease in post op erative complications, operative'tune, analgesic requirements, limitation of daily activity and day-qff work in the mesh plug technique. The recur rence rate was (6.7%) during the follow up period (from. 12 to 46 months). Because many recurrent inguinal hernias, especially first-time recurrence, have a small (3cm or less), rarely more than one defect, the plug repair is optunn^jwilh the advantage of minima dissection, rapid recovery and in significant post operative complications.