One hundred ptients were included
in this study. Their age ranged
from 7-15 years, 57 cases were
males and 43 cases were females. All
showed clinical manifstations of acute
appendicitis and were going to be operated
upon. Also twenty normal children
of matched age and sex were
studied as control group. The patients
depending on histopatholoical examination
of excised appendices were
classified into three groups: perforated
appendicitis group 12%, non perforated
appendicitis group 61% and
normal (negative) appendix group
27%. There was a relatively high negative
appendicectomy rate in children.
Sex distribution among cases of
this study was males to females
57:43, so patients having acute appendicitis
were predominantly males.
WBC > 13.0 x 109/L and neutrophil >
75%, high ESR, CRP > 0.6 mg/dL
and C3 < 100 mg/dL provided good
indications and positive correlation
with acute appendicitis IgG, IgM, IgA
and phagocytic activity could not provided
valuable relation with acute appendicitis.
With combintion of two or
more of thes parameters, the diagnostic
value and accuracy showed
significant improvement. The recommended
combinatioh was WBC [>
13.0 x 109/L] and CRP [>0.6 mg/dL].
Active observation, repeated examination
and laboratory tests may lead
to decrease the rate of negative appendicectomy
without increasing the
rate of perforation. |